Painting your Shadow
Art in sacred space
Explore and integrate all the aspects of yourself through intuitive painting and meditation.

Our shadow side is the part of ourselves that we have somehow rejected. Lots of energy is normally spent to keep that part under control, and well hidden. When we acknowledge and embrace fully our shadow we can reclaim that energy. We are made by light and shadow, and both parts play an important role in our lives.
The workshop offers a safe space to free that aspect of ourselves and discover what it is trying to communicate to us. Integration and unity of light and shadow are keys to fulfill our full potential.
Art is used as a tool for pure self-expression, healing, and transformation. A short guided meditation opens and closes the practice and helps to relax the mind and the body.
The workshop includes an introduction to the acrylic painting technique as well as some guidance through the creative process.
Where: The workshop will take place online via Zoom. There is a possibility to host it in our studio as well, but will depend on the government's guidelines. Some art materials will be provided but won't be shared between participants. You are welcome to bring your own art materials as well. The studio space will allow us to keep the 2 meter distance as required. Please bring a blanket and water bottle.
When: Sunday 22nd of November, 2-4.30pm
Exchange: £25 / £22 / £18 per person (according to your financial means high/ medium/ low income)
Everyone is welcome and no experience in painting or meditation is required
For further information and to book simply contact creativeflowarte@gmail.com 07556575645
Guidelines for online painting workshops - What do you need?
Acrylic paint (primary colours: yellow, red, blue, white and black)
Paper for painting (A2 if possible) - Lining paper is also fine
Paintbrushes (different sizes)
Towel (paper or fabric)
A bowl of water, to clean your paintbrushes
Sponges (optional)
Plastic container/palette for the paint (a plate or any plastic container can also work)
Newspapers or cardboard, plastic sheet to cover the floor/wall (newspapers are a good option to cover the wall)
Masking tape (to hang the paper on the wall)
A quiet space where you won't be disturbed (create a relaxing space, maybe use some incense or light a candle..)
A wall or a door where you can hang your painting (if you don't have that you can also paint on a table or on the floor)
A little table for the materials
Download Zoom before the class
If you don't have acrylic paint you can use oil pastels or crayons too. However, some paint will allow more freedom during the process.
Set up your computer or mobile device in the same room as your painting area so that the camera is facing your painting and you also have some space to sit for the guided meditation and short intro chat.